Turner T., Ruiz G., and Langland L.O. Treatment of Herpes Virus-Associated Lesions Using a Synergistic Botanical Blend. Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association. Salt Lake City, UT; 2016.
Turner T., Ruiz G., and Langland L.O. A Botanical Extract with Broad Anti-Viral and Oncolytic Activity. International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine. Barcelona, Spain; 2016.
Ruiz G., Turner T. and Langland J.O. Sarracenia Purpurea:  A Botanical Extract with Broad Anti-Viral and Oncolytic Activity. Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association. Salt Lake City, UT; 2016.
Ruiz G., Turner T. and Langland J.O. Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Botanicals. International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine. Barcelona, Spain; 2016.
Ruiz G. and Langland J.O. Botanical Medicine:  The Evoluationary Development of Antiviral Activity in Carnivorous Plants. Ancestral Health Symposium. Boulder, CO; 2016.
Langland J.0. Mechanistic Botanical Medicine:  Defining Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Properties and Standardization. Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine. 2016.
Dharti P. & Langland J.O. Treatment of Herpes Virus Associated Lesions Using a Synergistic Botanical Blend.  American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Cincinnati, Ohio; 2016.
Ruiz G., Turner T., Sparks L. and Langland J.O. Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Botanicals. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. 2015.
Ruiz G., Turner T., Sparks L. and Langland J.O. Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Botanicals. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Oakland, CA; 2015.
Ruiz G. and Langland J.O. A Botanical Extract with Broad Anti-Viral and Oncolytic Activity. Society for Integrative Oncology. Boston, Massachusetts; 2015.
Langland J.0. Understanding the Antimicrobial Potential of Botanicals:  Unlocking the Mechanisms of Action and the Need for Proper Use. Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association. Scottsdale, AZ; 2015.
Jacobs B., Denzer K. and Langland J. An Herbal Extract with Broad Antiviral Activity. Viruses and Cells Gordon Conference. Girona, Spain; 2015.
Harrington H., Langland J. and Jacobs B. The Role of Vaccinia Virus E3L Protein in Regulating Programmed Cell Death. American Society for Virology. London, Canada; 2015.
Langland J. and Alianza M. Antiviral Activity Associated with Botanical Medicine. Arizona BioIndustry Association. Phoenix, AZ; 2014.
Harrington H., Langland J. and Jacobs B. The Role of Vaccinia Virus E3L Protein in Regulating Programmed Cell Death. International Poxvirus, Asfarvirus and Iridocirus Conference. Victoria, Canada; 2014.
Harrington H., Langland J. and Jacobs B. The Role of the Vaccinia Virus E3L Protein in Regulating Programmed Cell Death. American Society for Virology. Ft. Collins, CO; 2014.
Harrington H., and Langland J. Anti-Herpes Virus Activity Associated with Botanical Extracts from Melissa Officinalis. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Scottsdale, AZ; 2014.
Ferreira V. and Langland J. Botanicals which Affect the Growth of Candida Albicans. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Scottsdale, AZ; 2014.
Sparks L., Harrington H., Waters R., Rochon Y., and Langland J. Development of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Botanical Extracts. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Keystone, Colorado; 2013.
Simonson X., Harrington H, Waters R. Rochon Y. and Langland J. Development of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Botanical Extracts. Bioindustry Convention. Tempe, AZ; 2013.
Snowden R., Moore J., Harrington H., Leek D., Morrial K., Waters R., Denzler K. White S., Rochon Y., Langland J. Characterization of the Immune Response and Gene Expression Following Treatment with Astragalus membranaceus. American Medical Student Association. Houston, TX; 2012.
Russell T., Harrington H., Morre J., Leek D., Waters R., Denzler K., White S., Rochon Y., Langland J. The Role of Bacterial Constituents in the Immunostimulatory Activity of Astragalus membranaceus. American Medical Student Association. Houston, TX; 2012.
Olson V.A., Arndt W., Mitnik C., Denzler K.L., White S., Waters R., Jacobs B.L., Rochon Y.,Damon I.K. Langland J.O. In vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth Century Therapy for Smallpox. International Poxvirus, Asfarvirus and Iridocirus Conference. Salamanca, Spain; 2012.
Langland J.O., Waters R.J., Bertram L., Rochon Y., Denzler K.L. Anti-Herpes Virus Activity Associated with Botanical Extracts from Melissa officinalis. American Society for Virology. Madison, WI; 2012.
Huynh T., Muralina M., Hauns K., White S., Langland J, Jacobs B. The Role of Adenosine Deaminase Acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) During Vaccinia Virus Infection. American Society for Virology. Madison, WI; 2012.
Harrington H., Moore J.,Denzler K., Waters R., White S.., Morrill K., Leek D., Rochon Y. and Langland J. The Role of Endophytic Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide and Toll-Like Receptros in Astragalu membranaceus Induced Immune Response. Naturopathic Medical Students Association. Bellevue, WA; 2012.
Harrington H., Moore J.,Denzler K., Waters R., White S.., Morrill K., Leek D., Rochon Y. and Langland J. Characterization of the Immune Response and Gene Expression Follwoing Treatment with Astragalus membranaceus.  Naturopathic Medical Students Association. Bellevue, WA; 2012.
Harrington H., Moore J.,Denzler K., Waters R., White S.., Morrill K., Leek D., Rochon Y. and Langland J. Characterization of the Immune Response and Gene Expression Following Treatment with Astragalus membranaceus. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Bellevue, WA; 2012.
Harrington H., Denzler K., Waters R., Jacobs B., Rochon Y. and Langland J. Anti-Herpes Virus Activity Associated with Botanical Extracts from Melissa Officinalis. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Bellevue, WA; 2012.
Harrington H., Denzler K., Waters R., Jacobs B., Rochon Y. and Langland J. Anti-Herpes Virus Activity Associated with Botanical Extracts from Melissa Officinalis. American Society of Microbiology. Tempe, AZ; 2012.
Harrington H., Denzler K., Waters R., Jacobs B., Rochon Y. and Langland J. Anti-Herpes Virus Activity Associated with Botanical Extracts fro Melissa officinalis. Naturopathic Medical Students Association. Bellevue, WA; 2012.
Harrington H., Arndt W., Mitnik C., Denzler K., Waters R., White S., Jacobs B., Rochon Y., Olson V., Damon I., and Langland J. In vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth Century Therapy for Smallpos. National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium. Tucson, AZ; 2012.
Blattman N., Langland J., White S., Jacobs B. Ability of E3 to Inhibit Innate Immune Signaling Independent of dsRNA and Z-DNA. American Society for Virology. Madison, WI; 2012.
Snowden R., Harrington H., Leek D., Morrill K., Denzler K., Waters R., Jacobs B., Rochon Y., and Langland J. Gene Expression Analysis with Immunostimulatory Botanicals Both in vitro and in vivo. American Medical Student Association. Washington, D.C.; 2011.
Snowden R.,  Arndt W., Denzler K., White S., Jacobs B., Waters R., Rochon Y., Langland J. Rediscovery of a 19th Century Therapy for Smallpox. Naturopathic Medical Students Association. Scottsdale, AZ; 2011.
Harrington H., Moore J., Leek D., Waters R., Denzler K., White S., Rochon Y., Langland J. The Role of Bacterial Constituents in the Immunostimulatory Activity of Astragalus membranaceus. Naturopathic Medical Students Association. Scottsdale, AZ; 2011.
Morrill K., Leek D., Langland J., Arndt W., Denzler K., Jacobs B., Waters R., Rochon Y. Rediscovery of a 19th Century Treatment for Smallpox. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR; 2010.
Leek D., Morrill K., Denzler K., Waters R., Jacobs B., Rochon Y., and Langland J. Correlation of Gene Expression with Physiological Responses by Immunostimulatory Botanicals. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR; 2010.
Lasku A., Waters R., and Langland J. Regulation of Immune Gene Expression by Immuno-Modulatory Botanicals. Experimental Biology. Anaheim, CA; 2010.
Langland J., Arndt W., Jacobs B., Waters R., Rochon Y. Rediscovery of a 19th Century Treatment for Smallpox. International Poxvirus Conference. Sedona, AZ; 2010.
Wong S., Cameron J., Langland J. and Jacobs B. Characterization of Vaccinia Virus E3L Mutants in Primary Epidermal Cells. American Society for Virology. Vancouver, Canada; 2009.
Morrill K., May K., Leek D., Langland N., Jeane L., Ventura J., Skubisz C., Scherer S., Lopez E., Crocker E., Peters R., Oertle J., Nguyen K., Just S., Phair M.,  Humphrey M., Payne D., Jacobs B., Waters R, Langland J. Quantitative Evaluation of the Broad-Spectrum Anti-Microbial Activity of Colloidal Silver. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Tacoma, WA; 2009.
Langland J., Waters R., and Rochon Y. Metabolic Genetic Expression Analysis of Astragalus sp. Herbal Extract on ex vivo Immuno-Stimulated Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Scottsdale, AZ; 2008.
Langland J.O., and Jacobs B.L. Viral Regulation of the PKR Innate Immune Response by Specific Proteolytic Processing. Cytokines in Health and Disease. San Francisco, CA; 2007.
Langland J.O., and Jacobs B.L. Poxvirus Sequestration of Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns and the Host Response. Jaks, Stats and Immunity. Steamboat Springs, CO; 2007.
Langland J.O., Kash J., Katze B. and Jacobs B.L. Poxvirus Sequestration of Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns and the Host Response. Cytokines. Vienna, Austria; 2006.
Cameron J., Langland J.O., and Jacobs B.L. The Keratinocyte Response to Vaccinia Virus Induced Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns. Cytokines. Vienna, Austria; 2006.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Poxviral Regulation of MAPK and IKK Signal Transduction in Response to Double-Stranded RNA. Signal Transduction in Viral Systems: ASM Conference. Savannah, GA; 2004.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Poxviral Regulation of Cellular Translation and Signal Transduction. Translational Control: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 2004.
Mitnik C., Jentarra G., Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Ras Dependent Oncolysis by Vaccinia Virus. American Society for Virology. Davis, CA; 2003.
Langland J.O., Kash J., Katze M., and Jacobs B.L. Poxviral Regulation of Host Gene Expression. American Society for Virology. Davis, CA; 2003.
Muralinath M., Langland J.O., Brandt T., and Jacobs B.L. The Role of Z-DNA Binding of the Poxvirus E3L Gene Related to Pathogenesis. American Society for Virology. Madison, WI; 2001.
Zeman C., Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Expression of the Cellular PKR-Inhibitor, p67, Rescues Translation of an Interferon-Sensistive Vaccinia Virus Mutant. American Society for Virology. Ft. Collins, CO; 2000.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. The Requirement of the Vaccinia Virus Interferon-Resistance Genes, E3L and K3L, for Viral Replication. Cold Spring Harbor Translation Control Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 2000.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Regulation of PKR Activity by the Amino- and Carboxyl-Domains of the Vaccinia Virus Interferon-Resistance Gene, E3L. American Society for Virology. Ft. Collins, CO; 2000.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Regulation of eIF2a Phosphorylation by Distinct Amino- and Carboxyl-Domains of the Vaccinia Virus Interferon –Resistance gene, E3L. Cold Spring Harbor Translation Control Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 2000.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Complimentary Roles of the Vaccinia Virus Inteferon-Resistance Genes, E3L and K3L. Poxvirus. Mt. Pelier, France; 2000.
Perkins K., Langland J.O., Brandt T. and Jacobs B.L. Inhibition of dsRNA-Induced Apoptosis by the Baculovirus Caspase Inhibitor p35 but not the Vaccinia Virus Caspase Inhibitor SPI-2. American Society for Virology. Amhurst, MA; 1999.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Vaccinia Virus Interferon Sensitivity in the Presence of Viral Encoded PKR and 2’,5’-Oligoadenylate Synthetase Inhibitors. American Society for Virology. Amhurst, MA; 1999.
Langland E.V., Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Mechanism of Interferon Sensitivity of Vaccinia Virus Deleted of the Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein, E3L. American Society for Virology. Amhurst, MA; 1999.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Constitutive Expression  of an Inhibitor of the dsRNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, PKR, in Kidney Cells. American Society for Virology. Vancouver, Canada; 1998.
Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Constitutive Expression  of an Inhibitor of the dsRNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, PKR, in Kidney Cells. American Society for Virology. Vancouver, Canada; 1998.
Brandt T.A., Martens J., Langland J.O. and Jacobs B.L. Mutational Analysis of the dsRNA-Binding Protein Porcine Rotavirus P8. American Society for Virology. Vancouver, Canada; 1998.
Langland J.O., Kao P.N. and Jacobs B.L. Regulation of the NF-AT Transcription Factor by Double-Stranded RNA. American Society for Virology. Bozeman, MT; 1997.
Langland J.O., Kao P.N. and Jacobs B.L. Nuclear Factor of Activated T-Cells (NFAT): A Novel Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Protein and Substrate for the Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, PKR. Keystone Symposium. Taos, NM; 1997.
Kibler K.V., Langland J.O., Shors T., Zeman C. and Jacobs B.L. A Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Protein is Necessary to Inhibit Induction of Apoptosis and for Interferon-Resistance in Vaccinia Virus Infected Cells. Keystone Symposium. Taos, NM; 1997.
Roth D.A. and Langland J.0. Characterization of a Plant Analog of the Reticulocyte 67kDa Inhibitor of eIF-2a Phosphorylation. American Society for Virology. London, Canada; 1996.
Langland J. O., Kao P.N. and Jacobs B.L. Nuclear Factor of Activated T-Cells: A Novel Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Protein and Substrate for the Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, PKR. American Society for Virology. London, Canada; 1996.
Langland J.0., Langland L.A., Zeman C., Saha D. and Roth D.A. Developmental Regulation of a Plant Analog of the Mammalian Inhibitor of eIF-2a Phosphorylation. Translational Control Symposium. Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 1996.
Kibler K.V., Langland J.0., Shors T., Zeman C.C. and Jacobs B.L. A Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Protein is Necessary to Inhibit Induction of Apoptosis and for Interferon-Resistance in Vaccinia Virus Infected Cells. American Society for Virology. London, Canada; 1996.
Kibler K., Langland J., Shors T., Zeman C., Perkins K., and Jacobs B. Evidence that dsRNA is a Trigger for Apoptosis in Vaccinia-Virus Infected HeLa Cells. American Society of Microbiology. Arizona; 1996.
Jacobs B.L., Langland J.0., and Kibler K. Vaccinia Virus Regulation of Apoptosis. International Congress on Virology. Jerusalem, Israel; 1996.
Roth D.A., Langland L.A. and Langland J.0. Substrate Phosphorylation by the Plant Encoded, dsRNA-Stimulated Protein Kinase. American Society for Virology. Austin, TX; 1995.
Langland J.0. , Langland L.A. and Roth D.A. Regulation of the Plant-Encoded, dsRNA-Dependent Protein Kinase, pPKR, Activity and Protein Levels by Virus Infection. American Society for Virology. Austin, TX; 1995.
Langland J.0., Langland L.A. and Roth D.A. Interaction of the Plant Encoded, dsRNA-Dependent Protein Kinase with an Inhibitor of eIF-2a Phosphorylation. American Phytopathological Society. Jackson, WY; 1995.
Langland J.0., Jacobs B.L. and Roth D.A. A Plant Protein Kinase with Properties Similar to the Mammalian Interferon-induced, Double-Stranded RNA Dependent Protein Kinase. American Society for Virology. Madison, WI; 1995.
Kibler K.V., Langland J.0., Shors T., Malley G. and Jacobs B.L. Induction of Apoptosis in HeLa Cells Infected with Variants of Vaccinia Virus. American Society for Virology. Austin, TX; 1995.
Langland J.0., Jin S., Jacobs B. and Roth D. A Plant Cell Encoded Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein with Properties Similar to the Interferon-Induced, Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase. Keystone Symposium. Durango, CO; 1994.
Jacobs B., Chang C., Shors S., Shors T., Denzler K., and Langland J. Characterization of a Protein Motif Necessary for Specific Binding to Double-Stranded RNA. Keystone Symposium. Durango, CO; 1994.
Langland J.0., Pettiford S. and Jacobs B.L. Protein Binds Specifically to Double-Stranded RNA and Inhibits the Interferon-induced Protein Kinase. American Society for Virology. Davis, CA; 1993.
Langland J.0., Jacobs B.L. Cellular and Viral Regulation of the Interferon-induced, Double-Stranded RNA Dependent Protein Kinase. Department of Molecular Biology Seminar Series; University of Wyoming. Laramie, WY; 1993.
Pettiford S., Langland J.0. and Jacobs B.L. The Rotavius Group C NS-34 Protein Specifically Binds Double-stranded RNA. Arizona State University Life Sciences Conference. Tontozona, AZ; 1992.
Park H., Langland J.0., Jacobs B.L. and Venkatesan S. An RRE Binding Cellular Factor Which is Identical to the Tar Binding Protein, TRBP, Has a Broad Range of RNA Affinities and Has No Effect on HIV Tat or Rev Function, But is an Inhibitor of Double-Stranded RNA Activated Protein Kinase in Vitro. Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 1992.
Langland J.0., Pettiford S. and Jacobs B.L. The Porcine Rotavirus NS34 Protein Binds Specifically to Double-Stranded RNA. International Symposium on Double-Stranded RNA Viruses. Scottsdale, AZ; 1992.
Langland J.0. and Jacobs B.L. The Phosphorylation State of the Interferon-Induced Protein Kinase. American Society for Virology. Salt Lake City, UT; 1990.
Langland J.0. and Jacobs B.L. Identification of Two Forms of the Interferon-induced Protein Kinase. American Society for Virology. Austin, TX; 1989.
Langland J.0. and Jacobs B.L. Identification of Two Forms of the Interferon-induced Protein Kinase. Arizona State University Life Sciences Conference. Tontozona, AZ; 1989.