1. Messer S. Toward an Understanding of  Naturopathic Medicine and Treatment Anomalies through a Logic of Process; The Role of Teleological Ontology in Naturopathic Reasoning. The Gathering. Tempe, AZ; 2013.
2. Messer S. Colorectal Cancer: Prevention & Treatment. Naturopathic Gastroenterology Conference. Portland, OR; 2012.
3. Messer S. Teaching Homeopathy: A Pedagogical Model that Works for Medical Students and Residents. The SCNM experience. LIGA Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis. Redondo Beach, CA; 2010.
4. Messer S. A Modern Understanding of an Old Concept: The Nature and Therapeutic Implications of the “Vital Force.”  The Gathering. Portland, OR; 2009.
5. Messer S. Foundations in Homeopathy. National Center for Homeopathy. Orlando, FL; 2005.
6. Messer S. The Next Step in Mind-Body Medicine; Treatment of Depression. National Center for Homeopathy. Portland, OR; 2004.
7. Messer S. Workshop on Homeopathy. Institute for Global Medicine. Petaluma, CA; 2003.
8. Messer S. To Homeopathy, or Not to Homeopathy; That is the Question, Here is the Answer. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR;     2003.
9. Messer S. Panel Moderator, Homeopathy Responding to Crises; Homeopathy and Bioterrorism. National Center for Homeopathy. Phoenix, AZ; 2002.
10. Messer S. Panel Moderator and Presenter; Homeopathic Education in the US and Canada-Will Homeopathy Survive in the 21st Century? Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. Seattle, WA; 2002.
11. Messer S. Mastering the Homeopathic Materia Medica. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Seattle, WA; 2001.
12. Messer S. How to Study Materia Medica. National Center for Homeopathy. Burlington, MA; 2001.
13. Messer S. Potency and Dose: A Dialogue. National Center for Homeopathy. Scottsdale, AZ; 1996.
14. Messer S. Thinking Homeopathically. National Center for Homeopathy. 1995.
15. Messer S. The Rules for Identifying Characteristic Symptoms. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR; 1995.
16. Messer S. Homeopathic Treatment of Children with Ear infections. National Center for Homeopathy. 1994.
17. Messer S. Treating the Geriatric Population with Homeopathy. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. San Diego, CA; 1994.
18. Messer S. How Stress Interferes with Homeopathic Treatment. Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR; 1993.
19. Messer S. Geriatric Homeopathy. National Center for Homeopathy. San Francisco, CA; 1992.
20. Messer S. Homeopathic Treatment of the Elderly. NW Naturopathic Physicians Conference. Portland, OR; 1991.
21. Messer S. Homeopathic Case Histories. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Tempe, AZ; 1990.
22. Messer S. Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections. National Center for Homeopathy. Los Angeles, CA; 1989.
23. Messer S. A Case of Bipolar Affective Disorder. International Foundation for Homeopathy. Seattle, WA; 1989.
24. Messer S. Case Analysis Forum. National Center for Homeopathy. San Francisco, CA; 1988.
25. Messer S. Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Gastroenteritis. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Alderbrook, WA; 1987.
26. Messer S. Acute Bipolar affective Disorder. Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians. Portland, OR; 1987.