Testing Center 

The Library also has a Testing Center, which is utilized in conjunction with the Dean of Students Office, and the Accessibility Office, for those times when unforeseen events occur.


Missed Exams

If you miss an exam, you are responsible for making it up. Here’s how:

  1. Student Absence Form – 📝 This is required for an absence review to determine if you're eligible for a make-up exam. *J1 FormFlow
  2. Missed Exam Request Form – ✅ Provide all necessary details to process your request.
  3. Wait for Confirmation – ⏳ Once both forms are submitted, our testing team will review your request and contact you to schedule a make-up exam.

📍Location: All non-ADA make-up exams will be held in the library.
Questions? Check with your professor or send us an email at testing@sonoran.edu


Need more information? Visit the Testing Center Homepage